
Monday, September 13, 2010

Dundalk Amateur Radio Society to begin live morse tuition

The Dundalk Amateur Radio Society is starting “Live Morse” tuition on Tuesday nights commencing at 20:40. The first class will be on Tuesday 14th September on 145.400 FM. We have decided to use this frequency as it is used by a lot of Hams and SWL’s locally in the North East. If the idea is a success we may eventually QSY to the Dundalk 2m repeater.

Our idea is to send some Morse at a slow and easy pace with good gaps between words. It is hoped to help those of you who are just starting out and those that want to sharpen up.  So please tune in to 145.400 with pen and paper at the ready. Please mention this to your Ham friends who may not be a member of the club.

Please find below possible text to be used on Tuesday night 14th and hopefully every Tuesday night as long as there might be an interest. The operator will change from week to week so the text may also change.

We will start with a few “V’s” which means you are getting ready to send. Then the full alphabet twice so you can hear what each letter sounds like twice. Followed by numbers 1 to 0 twice. Then CQ which is the start of a call for a QSO. 

The operator sending the Morse can pick a few different things you may hear when listening to HF. Tonight I have picked “ 5NN  TU “ which is the most common report you will hear and means “ your RST is 599 Thank You “. The “N” standing for the number “9” and TU standing for “Thank You”.  Last but not least is “73” which you will hear at the end of each QSO and means “Good Luck” or Good Bye”.

“ v  v  v  v  v  “

“ a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z “
“ a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z “

“ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0 “
“ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0 “

“ CQ  CQ  CQ  CQ  CQ  CQ “
“ CQ  CQ  CQ  CQ  CQ  CQ “

“ 5NN  TU     5NN  TU     5NN  TU     5NN  TU     5NN  TU     5NN  TU “

“ 73     73     73     73     73     73     73     73     73     73     73     73 “

(The next text to be sent will be picked by the operator on the night from any book he has at hand. This may be only a few sentences long. Please do your best to write it down letter by letter and hopefully it will end up making some sense. The operator will read out the text after he sends it so you all can see how well you have done. Do remember it is not a competition!!! )

73 de Thos EI2JD (EI7DAR Chairman)

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