
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

JX5O log upload - four of six band slots credited so far

It was a good weekend for my efforts to get JX5O Jan Mayen Island into the log. I have them on no fewer than SIX band slots. My QSO on 40m CW was a bit dodgy though, because they appeared to bust my callsign and sent me ES1KC and ES2KC etc so I worked them again last night on 40m CW and this time it was for sure.

There was a log upload yesterday which I have only seen now in which four of my six QSOs were credited. Obviously the 2nd 40m CW QSO came after the upload but I also appear to be missing the 30m RTTY QSO so I may have to work them again on that slot if possible. But we will see what later log uploads will bring.

To be honest I wasn't expecting a log upload because they have limited internet access and said logs would be uploaded after the DXpedition was finished. I have not even heard them once on 17m yet, due to poor propagation conditions, although I see a few EIs have worked them on 17m CW. Congrats in particular to Ark EI9KC who is top of the pile right now with six QSOs credited, and EI6FR Declan, who has been on a few Dxpeditions himself, has five QSOs. My near neighbour Don EI6IL is level with me on four QSOs and he has them on 17m CW too - well done Don.

There is a sudden lift in the sunspot numbers over the past couple of days. Hopefully that will continue and will bring better conditions on 17m and higher bands and fingers crossed I will nab them on a few more bands too. Maybe even on 6m, with a little bit of luck.

Anyhow congratulations to the 24 EIs who have made it through to JX5O so far. May you get as many QSOs as you need !!!

73 for now, de EI2KC


  1. Hi Tony.
    Congratulations for your 6 bands slot with JX5O! I had a pleasure also to work them during IARU HF COntest on 14Mhz CW and SSB. Great DXpedition. As you know maybe, Declan EI6FR was a member of JX5O but for some reason he didn`t go to Jan Mayen. They QRT now :( Have to go earlier because weather forecast is no so good for next few days going back to Iceland.
    Vy 73!
    Ark EI9KC

  2. Congratulations and even more so as the propagation is kinda in the dumpers right now.

  3. I think I will end up with 6 slots. They don't seem to have logged my 30m RTTY QSO although I kept a copy of the screen print because I was so delighted with the contact. On the last night of operation, I got up at 1.10am to work them on 40m SSB (should have been band slot 7, but probably only 6!) and they were QRT about an hour later. Well done Ark on being top of the pile !!!!!


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