
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Radio Waves: a short film about Amateur Radio in Ireland

The above is a short film by Tony Flynn shot a couple of months ago featuring Thos EI2JD and myself.


  1. Good job Tony! I will share link on YouTube with my friends from SP.
    Heard you last night on 40m but condition went down. See you later on 40m ;)
    Ark EI9KC

  2. Very impressive video and easy to understand for those who are wondering about ham radio. I have often had a hard time trying to explain what it is we do in radio. This video has made it very plan and attractive to new comers.

  3. Ark, Thanks for the share, I see lots of people have watched it already. Yes it was a difficult copy on 40m. The new Inverted V is working well, generally much better than the Butternut. We will try again when conx are better.

    Mike, Thanks for the comment. I think we need more of this type of thing to demystify amateur radio and make it more easy to understand.


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