
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Three years as a licenced radio amateur

Thumbs up . . . operating the EI0W contest station down in
Thos EI2JD's QTH in Clogherhead.
I thought I should give brief mention to the fact that today marks the third anniversary of the receipt of my amateur radio licence. I received my first licence as EI8GHB on October 30th 2009. What a wonderful three years it's been. I've worked 278 DXCCs on HF, I've made lots and lots of valuable friends in the hobby, I've become a contributor to Echo Ireland magazine and even a member of the Irish Radio Transmitters' Society committee.

It really is a wonderful hobby, populated by lots of very interesting and, with hardly any exceptions, very decent and helpful operators and short wave listeners. In my first days on air I struggled to work the DX using a Kenwood 570D and a half-size G5RV which wasn't nearly high enough off the ground. The shack, and the antennas, have developed and evolved and escalated such that I am able to work the world from this humble location.

Thanks to everyone who's been there to share it with me. To all the local hams who have helped me install the antennas, and who have sold me cheap radios, and to all those around the globe with whom I have made a QSO. I recently passed the 16,000 QSO mark and continue to enjoy chatting with people all around the world.

Ours is a great hobby. There is a tremendous civic aspect to amateur radio, exemplified by local clubs holding meetings throughout the year, and by activities such as AREN (Amateur Radio Emergency Networks) which are there for times of disaster and difficulty.

Most of all, ours is a hobby of gentlemen and ladies, exemplified by the excellent attitude and operating practices and standards of the EI amateurs. Long may it last. Here's to a great future . . .


  1. Congratulations on 3 years in the fraternity of ham radio!!

    1. Thanks Mike. I hope to enjoy many more years in this wonderful hobby, de EI2KC

  2. Congrats Anthony, I remember I read your blog before you had your license. And made a sked with you when you were still EI8GHB on 80m. So unfortunate we never spoke again after that. It's great to read you enjoy the hobby so much and take advantage of your license. 278 DXCC in 3 years is a great accomplishment. 73, Bas

    1. Bas, I sincerely hope you stick with the hobby and that you get your station up and running again. The ham world will be a smaller place otherwise. Thanks for the interaction and support over the last three years. It has meant a lot. Best wishes, EI2KC

  3. concrats om,,,, keep enjoying it,,,,,

    1. Ah thanks Seamus, sure you know I will do my best. See you in Dundalk soon!

  4. Congratulations OM Tony!
    Vy 73
    Ark EI9KC

    1. Thanks Ark. Glad to see another KC active on HF and doing even better than me! I enjoy your blog also. See you in the pile-ups !!

  5. Wow! Here 2 years and 239 countries...I am coming! :)


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