
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Guantanamo worked on RTTY and on 10m!

I am delighted to have logged KG4, Guantanamo Bay, not once, but twice on the amateur bands in the past 24 hours. Yesterday, I was able to work KG4HF on 15 metres RTTY as a brand new country on digital modes at around tea time. I was using the hexbeam, pointing west. I wasn't calling too long, maybe 15 minutes, and was chuffed to make the contact.

This evening, I am hearing KG4WV nice and strong on 10 metres SSB, and with a small split of just 2 KC up, I was able to nab him in a short time running 400 watts from the Acom 1000 into the hexbeam. The above video shows the signal strength of the KG4 station immediately after I worked him.

Edit: I have since worked KG4HF on 17 metres RTTY as well.


  1. Great congrats! I'm keeping an eye on the call in the DXcluster. Till now didn't hear or see him yet. 73, Bas

    1. He had good signals on both 10m and 15m Bas on the hexbeam. I also nabbed KG4HF on 17m RTTY last night at around 9.20pm local time and his signal was very nice. Good luck in the pile-ups!

    2. Worked KG4HF on 10m RTTY remote from the job at lunchbeak last Saturday. Great! 73, Bas


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