
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Video - full CW QSO with VK7VR in Tasmania

This is what I love doing in the mornings! I love to find the VK and ZL stations on the long path and have a chat with them, usually on CW. This is Phil VK7VR in Ulverstone, Tasmania, with a good 579 signal on the longpath (beaming 260 degrees). As you can hear, he's in flying form on the key, and a great operator. It was lovely to get a ragchew with him before heading to work. 

1 comment:

  1. Gudday Tony, nice to work you on cw, first time I've heard my signal from the other end too, I must get some more practice in :) All the best from my island to yours mate, and catch you further down the log.

    73's Phil VK7VR


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