So I sat with the headphones on, listening as half of Europe shouted at him, their beams pointed at him, shoving out huge power. I didn't think I had a chance, to be honest. I did call in a couple of times, but felt a futility about the whole exercise. I was glad to sit and listen though, and as I listened I noticed that the pile-up was thinning out. I heard a 9A calling him and he called the 9A but the Croatian didn't come back. So I keyed up and said "Nine Alpha go ahead" and the 9A said thanks and worked Australia.
Then I shouted and the Australia station heard me and said "Echo India 8 again". I couldn't believe it !! Here was me with my hundred watts and my 30-year-old 6-band vertical shouting like a maniac into the mic! I gave the full callsign but he came back and said "Echo India 8 I need your suffix" so I shouted it in two or three variations thus - "guatemala honolulu baker"; "germany henry brazil"; "golf hotel bravo".
He came back "Echo India 8 Golf Hotel Brazil you are five and five!" He was also 5 and 5 and within seconds the exchange was over and we were saying 73.
The station was VI2AJ2010 - the callsign of the 22nd Australian Scouts Jamboree in New South Wales. The event brings together 13,000 scouts and leaders from all over Australia.
For the record, VI2AJ2010 is located 10,700 miles or 17,200 kilometres, from my location. Not bad at all considering my set-up. I'm chuffed. Over the moon. I knew I would get Victor Kilo (VK - Australia) before long, but as the Virgin airlines jingle goes, "you never forget your first time . . ."
73 de EI8GHB
Hi Anthony, great achievement. Does remind me of a contact I made to ZL when I was actually calling for JA. You made it to VK, it is only a matter of time that you make it into ZL. Try on 40m around dusk, if they are QRV it could be done. 73, Bas