Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lightning bolt strikes not far from my QTH

There was a thunderstorm near my QTH yesterday evening (Wednesday, July 11th). It raged for about half an hour. I left the camcorder at the back window looking out at my antennas, and managed to catch this fork lightning which must have struck less than a kilometre from my QTH. As you can see (or hear) in the video, the thunder comes about 2-3 seconds after the fork, so it was no more than a kilometre away. The antennas visible are the MA5B minibeam and in the background my Butternut vertical.

PS: I have been made redundant from my job. I finished on Monday. I am now trying to work full-time on completing my new book, 'Newgrange - Monument to Immortality'. As a result, I don't imagine I will have much time for radio or blogging but will do my best . . .


  1. Wow, lucky it didn't strike your antenna. Nice photo from a artistic point of view. Good luck writing your new book or actually finising it. 73, Bas

  2. Good morning Anthony, very nice shot and great idea to just let the camcorder roll and see what you get. It's good no damage was done to your shack as even a Km away the air can carry a pretty good static charge for some distance. Good to hear the book is coming along nicely.

  3. very nice video, great shot. I should do that sometime here as we often get lightning (with no delay in the sound!) in the rainy season. So far, knock on wood, no hits on the antennas.



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