N6TV's antenna array |
Just a quick follow-up to my FT5ZM QSO. Immediately after my QSO, I made a video recording to show the signal strength from Amsterdam Island. The first QSO I recorded in that video was with N6TV, Bob, who lives in San Jose, California. Bob has been in touch by email to say that the QSO he made with FT5ZM, recorded by me, was a very special one for him:
My friend N6GQ just forwarded the link to your FT5ZM video. The very first QSO in the recording is with me! Amsterdam Is. & St. Paul is my all time LAST ONE (Mixed DXCC) that I need confirmed, so this was a very special QSO for me. I think it's amazing that it was recorded and forwarded to me so fast. Small world, eh?
Small world indeed. I am so thrilled to have been able to capture Bob's historic moment as a ham. This is the one we all aspire to. I presume he has 339 DXCC confirmed and needs this as #340 to complete his mixed DXCC. Well done Bob and glad to have been there to record it!! Here's the video again, and you can hear N6TV being worked at the very beginning:
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