Tuesday, May 15, 2012

7O6T Yemen dxpedition is QRT

The 7O6T dxpedition in Yemen has finally gone QRT after a terrific operation. I managed to nab one more slot, this time a digi mode slot, when I nabbed them on 12 metres RTTY this afternoon. I had been calling for 20 minutes and decided to record the exchanges on the waterfall with my smart phone. As soon as I began recording, up popped my callsign on the screen with a 599 report! It was a great pleasure although, as you can see from the video, it took me somewhat by surprise!

I have 11 slots in total, covering all bands from 30m through 10m, and although I missed them on 80m and 40m I do not mind, I am a happy man. It rounds off a brilliant few days on the bands for me, with more slots being filled throughout. Here is a summary of DX worked since my last posting:

5X5RO Uganga - 17m SSB
V44KAO Turks & Caicos - 15m CW
HC2AC Ecuador - 15m CW
S79RR Seychelles - 12m CW
E40VB Palestine - 10m SSB
PZ1DV Suriname - 20m SSB
HK1MW Colombia - 12m CW
OX3XR Greenland - 20m CW
CP6XE Bolivia - 15m SSB
3W7W Vietnam - 20m SSB (At 11pm local time, 57 signal on my Butternut vertical - fantastic conditions!)
TG9AHM Guatemala - 17m PSK
HP1CPE Panama - 20m PSK


  1. Hi Anthony

    Well done with 11 slots, the pile ups were the largest I have ever seen, even ST0R was easier.

    I finished with 14 but was disappointed to miss 40m the never seemed to be active when I was at home and the odd time the were the QRM was crazy.

    no rest as XX9 is active tomorrow and they are only there for a week and I'm working 4 of those days :-(



    1. Trevor,

      Heartiest congratulations on 14 slots. A wonderful achievement given the level of QRM and the size of the pile-ups. I expected to finish with 10 slots but yesterday's 12m RTTY QSO was a real unexpected surprise! There are exactly 100 EI calls in the online log, a brilliant total. You are doing well - don't knock that hexbeam!!!!!!!!!!!!

      I look forward to trying to work XX9E over the coming days, in between writing my next HF Happenings. I would be very glad to have your contribution BTW (see email).

      Well done again.


  2. Hello Anthony, I see that you also use DM780. Doing a fine job with that RTTY QSO. Short but lucky. And some PSK DX as well. 73, Bas

  3. Bas, I would have switched my logging over to HRD except that it doesn't show all band slots for DXCC. However, I absolutely love DM780. I used to use MixW (free version) but the conversion to DM780 was easy to make. I hope to pick up more DX on digi modes now that my SignaLink is working again!


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