Tuesday, May 1, 2012

7O6T Yemen in the log - brand new DXCC!!

Finally, after hours of trying, I managed to get the 7O6T Yemen dxpedition in the log tonight. I had just worked VP2V/NY6X on 17m CW and with the linear still running I decided to try 7O6T on the same band. It only took a few tries. But that followed prolonged periods where I was calling 7O6T on various bands since the dxpedition began just over 24 hours ago. I have put in about three or four hours calling them so far, and the pile-ups are very wide and intense. So it was a great pleasure to hear "EI2KC 5NN" coming back through the noise!!

For many operators this will be a brand new DXCC, and that's how it was for me. Yemen is my 260th DXCC worked. I look forward to chasing them on other bands! In the meantime, here's another video I made showing the pile-up on 12m earlier on (where I failed, incidentally, to work them!) Enjoy. Happy hunting!


  1. Congrats, I know the feeling :) Got them on 12m/cw on their second day I think, but nil on other bands so far.


    1. Thanks for the link. I have had more success. Just worked them on 30m and now have ten band slots!!


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