It was a busy week for E4X, the DXpedition to Palestine. They had a total of over 80,000 QSOs on the bands during the week. They paid strong attention to 6 metres, which was great, although their signal teased me all week as it came in and out. I eventually worked them on CW on Sunday, the last day of their QRV. I worked them on seven other band slots over the course of the week, but it was hard work I can tell you. The QRM was massive and the pile-ups were sustained. Europe in particular was calling like no tomorrow. The photo shows the band slots I worked them on. Mostly CW as you can see - the friendly mode of the small station!!
Today I worked the longest callsign on CW I have encountered so far. I worked EA3/HB9CYF/P on 12 metres. Needed him to give it a few times to get the whole thing but I got there in the end! Of course the pedantic among you will point out that he didn't need to send the /P because he already indicated he was portable with the EA3 prefix.
I have also just worked EX8MLE in Kyrgyzstan on 12 metres CW also. Thanks for new band!
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