Update: I worked another new country today. I nabbed Brunei on 20M CW, which wasn't bad considering it was 18:21 here and the band is not usually open to the Far East at this time. I worked V85SS just now on 14.002 working a split on 14.004. He gave me 599. Thanks indeed!! I also grabbed E21EJC on 17M USB in Thailand. And I got T77C in San Marino on both CW and SSB on 17 metres. I got 7Z1HL in Saudi Arabia on 15m CW.
I haven't been doing a huge amount of radio this week. I felt a bit burned out with everything that was going on (I have just finished making a documentary about The High Man) and felt that radio was taking over things a bit so I haven't worked much this week really. But that's not a bad thing. I'm still doing plenty of 2m and I intend to "pick off" a bit of DX on the HF bands but I just won't be sitting in front of the radio 24/7 that's all.
The number of people who've been commenting on my new callsign is incredible. Almost everyone I've spoken to think it's a great callsign. It's nice and short and easy to say, but it's particularly easy to send on CW. It's actually rhythmic too. I have to admit that I have found it a million times easier to send than my old callsign EI8GHB. EI2 is good but EI2KC is very good! I was speaking to my friend Brian (EI4KC) this morning and he's thoroughly enjoying the CW too. Great stuff. He had a bit of trouble with his Antron - it broke - so he will be buying a new one. A couple of operators in MI land across the border had damage to their antennas from the snow a few days ago but thankfully it hasn't kept any of them off the bands!
73 for now.
EI2KC Anthony.
Hi Anthony, how long have you been licensed, I have had my call for 3 weeks now and have 27 countries confirmed on eQSL.
ReplyDeleteTell your mate to get a Sirio 827, they dont break like Antrons always do !! ;-)
73 Paul.
Paul, I am licenced since October 30th last. I was first EI8GHB but then I passed the morse test and am now EI2KC. Congrats on the 27 countries. That's excellent progress in three weeks. Well done. Yes the Sirio is a bit better alright but I have an Antron 99 here from my CB days and it gets me very good DX on the higher frequency bands.
ReplyDelete73 for now and enjoy getting more AGs!!
Hi Anthony, Thanks, they have mostly been on data modes, though some ssb also into VA/stateside.
ReplyDeleteI use the Sirio as well for 15,12 and 10m obviously, on 10 it's perhaps 5 's' points above my 130' long wire but minus s points on say 40m, only to be expected really.
It will tune up onto 40m with the atu, though definately not resonant.
What power output are you allowed, here as you probably know it's 10 watts for an M6.
73 Paul.
We're allowed a maximum of 400w but I only use 100w. I've worked 107 countries on CW and 101 on phone.
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ReplyDeleteAh, Thank goodness you updated your Blog!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering what was going on....
Tell me young chap, How many countries have you worked in total??
(Not Jealous) :-)
Tony, I have worked 141 countries in total according to my log!
ReplyDeleteNot too shabby at all now!!
ReplyDeleteGutes Material Anthony.
ReplyDeleteMach weiter so. Erhalten Sie Ihnen später die Bänder.
Bestes 73's.