There have been several storms here over the past few weeks with very high winds causing concern for many amateurs. One of these storms caused the pole supporting the hexbeam to buckle. Luckily, the hexbeam was not damaged and yesterday, with the assistance of three local hams, the antenna was put back up in the air. We put stay wires on the installation to ensure that a repeat incident is not likely . . . !
A photo of the snow-covered hexbeam lying in my garden on Tuesday. |
I have not been very active on HF in recent weeks, due in part to the damage, and due in part to other factors. I am looking forward to several forthcoming dxpeditions. The first,
5X8C in Uganda, should be appearing on the clusters today. Our own Dave Deane, EI9FBB, is a member of that team. Good luck Dave - hope to see you in the pile-ups!
The second is
9U4U, Burundi, which is due to start next Thursday, February 14th. If I can work them that will be a brand new DXCC for me.
The last one is
TX5K, Clipperton Island, due in March. That will be tougher to work, and if I can manage at least one QSO it will be a brand new DXCC also.
Great to hear the antenna was not damaged in the fall and good to have other hams to give you a hand in getting it back up and working again. I have not been on all that much either these days. Once I get around to the radio in the evening 30m is very slow. 40m is good but for some reason with my dipole it just does not do well on 40m. Have a great weekend Anthony.