Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bad news - third time unlucky, they busted it again!

T32C does not have EI2KC in the log for 10m CW. They do, however, as of this morning, have EI2CC in the log for 10m CW. Looks like I will never get in there on 10m CW. It's so frustrating.


  1. Hi Anthony, I got up a 5am to work them on RTTY and then have a go at the JARTS WW RTTY contest.

    Worked them on 30m after a few calls but signal was poor, then tried on 20m but they went QRT when the were peaking 20/9 here shame the didn't stay longer.
    Checking the log and I see EI2GB has a 30m RTTY QSO but not me.
    should have worked them again on 30 but couldn't get through the EU wall for the 2nd time.

    Keep trying the will get it, and if not you are near enough to get a QSL, have a look at there QSL policy the will accept simple mistakes in CW.



  2. Oh dear, what a pity, never mind...

    Keep the practice going with the CW Anthony, you will eventually not make as many mistakes with sending your call sign..HI-HI..

  3. Tony, if only that were true !!! Nothing wrong with my CW, just there's a lot of flutter over the pole . . .


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